
Policies, Responsibilities and Communication
We recognise parents as the first and most important educators of their children. All of the staff see themselves as partners with parents in providing care and education for their child. We understand that parents want to be kept informed, consulted where necessary, and have the option to be involved.
Parents are kept informed by a half termly newsletter as well as information on a daily basis
on the whiteboard at the entrance and the staff are available for informal chats whenever it
is needed.
How parents take part
There are many ways in which parents take part in making the setting a welcoming and stimulating place for children and parents such as:
Exchanging knowledge about their children’s needs, activities, interests and progress with the staff.
Helping at the sessions.
Sharing their own special interests with the children.
Helping to provide, make, and look after the equipment and materials used in the children’s play activities.
Being part of the committee and help with fund raising.
Function of the Committee
The Manager and staff run and manage the pre-school on a day to day basis and are assisted by
a parent management committee. The committee members are elected by the parents of the children who attend Jiminy Crickets. The elections take place at our Annual General Meeting.
The committee is responsible for:
Managing our finances.
Employing and managing the staff.
Making sure that we have, and work to, policies that help us to provide a high
quality service. -
Making sure that we work in partnership with the children’s parents.
The Annual General Meeting is open to the parents of all of the children who attend the setting. It is our shared forum for looking back over the previous year’s activities and shaping the coming year’s plan.
Safeguarding children
We have a duty under the law to help safeguard children against suspected or actual ‘significant harm’. Our employment practices ensure children against the likelihood of abuse in our pre-school with a procedure for managing complaints or allegations against a member of staff.
Our way of working with children and their parents ensures we are aware of any problems that may emerge and can offer support, including referral to appropriate agencies when necessary to help families in difficulty.
To find out more about our policies and responsibilities, we have now listed our entire policy section opposite for you to read. Of course, you are still more than welcome to come in and view the printed copy or to take it home with you. Please come in and ask.
Our Policies
1. Child Protection
1.1 Childrens rights and entitlements
1.2 Safeguarding children young people and vulnerable adults
2. Suitable People
3. Staff qualifications,training, support & skills
3.1 Induction of Employees
and Volunteers
4. 1 The Role of the KeyPerson
and Settling In
6. Health
6.2 Managing Children who are Sick Infectious or with Allergies
6.3 Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents
7.1 Promoting Positive Behaviour
8. Safety & Suitability
of premises, environment
& equipment
8.1 Health and Safety General Standards
8.2 Maintaining Childens safety
& security on the premises
8.3 supervision of children
on outings
8.5 Fire safety and emergency evacuation
8.8 Staff safety, including
home visits
9. SEN
9.1 Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion and equality
9.2 Supporting children with SEN
10. Information & records
10.2 Parental carer involvement
10.5 Transfer of records to school
10.6 Confidentiality and client access to records
10.8 Working in partnership with other agencies